The Mike Rogers Show #204
Written by BOMBSHELL RADIO on 04/14/2023
Mike Rogers Show :
Saturday’s 10pm -12am EST / Sundays 11am-1pm JST
#indierock #indie #music #rock #indiemusic #alternativerock #alternative #BombshellRadio #indiepop #punk #guitar #band #newmusic #punkrock
MRS #205
The Rouges my sweet RR 3:10
King Cornelius and The Silverbacks Cthulu 3:06
King Cornelius & The Silverbacks King Cornelius & The Silverbacks_Monkey Or A Man_Single_Indies_2022 2:49
Ransom and the Subset Perfect Crime 2:38
MOLICE Jewel-Re-SING 4:55
Josie Cotton_PAINTING IN BLOOD_Single_ Kitten Robot Records_2023 3:33
Two Hearts (AKA Titty Twister) Mystery Zone 2023 4:18
A6 King Cornelius and the Silverbacks – My Brother The Man 2:05
Richie Ramone Richie Ramone_Live to Tell_Live to Tell_Outro Records_2023 3:22
Tetsuko The End of the Philosophy 5:40
Birrell or Biscuit Birrell or Biscuit – Boyband 3:55
King Size – It’s a game over 2:35
Malibu Lou & The Attachers Teenage Kicks 2:13
BERRIES Control 3:04
Let’s Go’s 8.Cherish 4:05
King Cornelius and the Silverbacks_Ape City_Enter the Forbidden Zone_Ape Rights_2023 2:49
Floppy-Pinkies 08 PIECE OF PAPER 2 3:00
KPM News Reel 2 2:39
chocoballs short 1 0:31
Tetsuko 3_Anythinggoes 2:26
King Cornelius and The Silverbacks (I’ll Show You How To) Misbehave 2:41
micemohee HAPPY 2:49
TsuShiMaMiRe 09 09 さいあくま _ Bad Dream Bear 5:11
A5 King Cornelius and the Silverbacks – Sheena (Queen of the Jungle) 3:19
Mari Atsumi Suki Yo Ai Shite 2:29
The Doors Hello, I Love You 2:16
Su Ko D Koi 風俗嬢との恋 Love with a Prostitute 3:36
MOLICE Rainbow-Re-SING 3:52
King Cornelius and The Silverbacks I Am Great Ape 2:37
He Who Cannot Be Named A3. Gotta Get 24 48 2:23
JETT SETT I Wanna Be Your Girl Friend 2:43
Shonen Knife Shonen Knife_Blitzkrieg Bop_Unreleased_Self_2023 2:13
MOLICE Preasure Song2-Re-SING 6:46
Indya (Laudez Rose) Too Goth To Handle (Radio Clean) 2:53
/@Speedfossil/@Redonredrecords Pieces of Eight 3:10
Les Lullies 06 – Zéro Ambition 2:02
FiFI & MACH III FiFI & MACH III _Rock’n’roll Girls_Mach a Go! Go!_1+2 Records_2020 2:39