Month: February 2017
Hey we all make mistakes. I’m just glad this time, it wasn’t me. So tonight here we are after the Oscars with a brand-new show. Favorites, submissions from our Addictions Inbox, The Bombshell Radio Track of the Day, if you discoveries from our Instagram, Soundcloud and Twitter feeds and a few surprises. This is Addictions […]
Today 6pm-8pm EST bombshellradio.comThe Menace’s Attic/Just Another Menace Sunday w/ SLøTFACEToday’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio)Bombshell Radio #BombshellRadio #melodicrock #radioshow #rock #alternative #soul #justanothermenacesunday #dj #DennistheMenace #radio #today #SLøTFACE Repeats Tuesday 6am JUST ANOTHER MENACE SUNDAY – #681 FEBRUARY 26, 2017 Just Another Menace Sunday Theme (Dennis The Menace) – Mighty Six Ninety 1:05 HOUR 1: A […]
The Menace’s Attic Mon-Sat 5pm EST on Bombshell Radio Sunday’s 8pm EST New Shows Wednesday’s 1pm-2pm EST 10am-11am PDT 6pm-7pm BST Repeats Friday 5pm EST #classics #pop #rock #classicrock #themenacesattic #BombshellRadio This Week – Episode #781 (02/25/2017) “I Think It’s Time I Started My Own Dance Craze. After All Who Wouldn’t Want To […]
Nigel Thomas returns on Bombshell Radio for the third time with You’re Favourite Songs You’ve Never Heard. We highly suggest you check this show out. Always a real pleasure. And together let’s convince Nigel to continue these monthly shows for us. Nigel’s music is heartfelt, original and passionate, with echoes of Elliott Smith, Paul McCartney […]
We are very happy to introduce to you this week LA band The Fontaines Bombshell Radio Guest Mix playing this week Saturday, Sunday Tuesday and Thursday check for airplay times. When we first heard The Fontaines we drawn in by song titles of Famous Celebrities “Cate Blanchett” and “Dustin Hoffman” Then taken in by […]
Sunday is Oscar night. so our show loosely draws from titles nominated for Best Film. Also Tonight new Indie finds a few favourites, Submissions from our Addictions Inbox and a few Oscar surprises. This is Addictions and Other Vices 370 – Colour Me Friday I hope You enjoy! New Special Presentations from selected artists and […]
Tonight’s show started with one concept and like what often happens turned from a conversation into something entirely different. Tonight we play singles “The A Side and the B-Side” sometimes the B-sides gaining more notoriety. I’m not including songs listed as to not ruin the experience so you can guess and play along. This is […]
This week’s Soul Traveller Radio Show hosted by Shayne Locke has a very special new release from Jack Johnson celebrating his new documentary The Smog of the Sea which is a must see. We also have a whole show of fresh conscious music tracks including Mama J, Sol Rising, Judah & the Lion, Fire Mane, […]
Isula Prod and Bombshell Radio Present Top World Indie N° 19 of Sunday, February 19, to Wednesday, 22 at 11 h00 and 19 h00! An hour to listen to the independent artists of the entire planet! A special editions ” Female voices “. isula prod is ” on air ” in Toronto on with Addie, […]
The Menace’s Attic/Just Another Menace Sunday and Bombshell Radio Present Just Another Menace Sunday * New Show #nowplaying Something went terribly insane at Bombshell Radio, Toronto, ON and they now air the “Just Another Menace Sunday” radio show thing TWICE on Sundays. 12 noon – 2 pm (PST) and 5 pm – 7 pm (PST) […]