Alternate Universe #108

Written by on 09/10/2020

Alternate Universe 5pm-6pm EST

#AlternateUniverse, #indierock, #BombshellRadio, #alternative, #rock, #Classics, #Radioshow, #NewMusicRepeats Wednesday’s 1am EST

Several radio people, record reps and music nerds are a part of this Facebook group I’m in. I gave them a chance to listen to this week’s Alternate Universe show, because that’s where I pulled requests from. here are just a few things they said. You can definitely tell it is programmed by a human, because of the way the tracks sound well flowing into each other. Great way to play multiple female artists in a row when regular radio often shies away from it. Heard a couple songs from bands I know about, but I didn’t know! Along with some of the best mega hits. Great radio presentation voice!Alternate universe goes to 1994 today at 5 PM 2 PM Eastern on bombshell radio.

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