Stereo Embers The Podcast: Wayne Barton (Peach, Fergie’s Fledglings, 74/75))
Written by BOMBSHELL RADIO on 01/16/2019
Today’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) Bombshell Radio
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Repeats Fridays 1am-2am EST & Sundays 11am-12pm EST
Stereo Embers Magazine
Alex Green #Interview w/ Maira Kalman
#StereoEmbers, #podcast, #RadioShow, #AlexGreen, # #Nowplaying , #BombshellRadio, #WAYNEBARTON #PEACH
“Wayne Barton Is The Leading Writer On Manchester United”
Wayne Barton got his start as a sportswriter, but it didn’t take longfor his talents to land him gigs ghostwriting autobiographies for notablesoccer stars. From there Barton stepped from the shadows and wrote Fergie’s Fledglings under his own name. Focusing on the youth soccer system in Manchester under Sir Alex Ferguson,the book found The Guardian declaring it to be “vibrant and essential.” The follow-up 74/75found The Independent declaring him to be “The Leading Writer On Manchester United.”So what does one do after being given such a laudatory title? They write a novel aboutrock and roll, obviously. Barton sits down with Alex to talk about his novel Peach, which focuseson a cross-generational friendship between two musicians at vastly different points in their lives.Barton chats about the transition from soccer to novels, his love of music and the arduous processof writing. He also reveals how he got “Breaking Bad” star Charles Baker to do the soundtrack for the book……