Rainbow Country #325
Written by BOMBSHELL RADIO on 10/25/2022
Rainbow Country Tuesdays 8pm-10pm EST
A GAY radio show working to give voice to the LGBT Community. Tune in for #GayTalkRadioHost: Mark Tara
RAINBOW COUNTRY A 2 HOUR Nationally Syndicated Gay radio show & Canada's #2 LGBT Podcast working to give voice to the LGBT Community & BEYOND! ON EPISODE 325: HR 1 #QueerAuthor #KirstyLoehr talks new book #AShortHistoryOfQueerWomen. A book that sets the record straight on women who have loved other women through the ages. & DID #LGBT Activist #MarshaPJohnson Throw the FIRST BRICK at #STONEWALL? + THE STORY BEHIND #BryanAdams' #1 Disco Hit #LetMeTakeYouDancing w/ #JimVallance & HR 2 #Music HR 2 #Music Disco - #SisterSledge Rock - #ChrisBirkett #ShipsHaveSailed #BenPelchat Rap - #ShaunaSeeteenak #JazziJay Singer Songwriter - #EvanWestfal