Addictions and Other Vices 731 – Bombshell Radio
Written by BOMBSHELL RADIO on 10/01/2020
Addictions and Other Vices – Bombshell Radio Today 1pm- 3pm EST
Repeats Friday 3pm EST & Saturday 1pm EST #indie, #rock ,#alternative #Synthpop, #indierock, #community, #radio, #BombshellRadio, #DJ
- As Long As Were Together / ALWZ SNNY 3:56
- Right Way Round / Saint Raymond 3:27
- Melt! / Kelly Lee Owens 3:34
- Father Figure / Weekend Lovers 4:50
- Trust You / Vain Machine 3:34
- Alone. Together. / Golding 3:03
- Fade Away / Dezebel 3:15
- On Division St / Nation of Language 3:14
- Baby You / Sheralyn 4:02
- Freeway Flyer (Bonus Points x Jad Abstrock) 2:41
- Peaceful / Benji Lewis 3:02
- Fly / Low 5:48
- May I Be The Light / LUMP 4:46
- The Secret / Adesha 3:35
- Sunny Chiba / Fennec 4:11
- As We Danced / Tony Njoku 2:20
- NOTDF (Nip on the Dancefloor) / LE FOMO 2:59
- Inside Voice / Joey Dosik 3:34
- Midnight Run / Tanya Nambiar 6:45
- Falling Into Me / Let’s Eat Grandma 5:47
- Hit Me / 88/89
- IGotLove/Mry
- Malibu / Gem
- Milk / Wynnm