A Breath of Fresh Air Dec 19
Written by BOMBSHELL RADIO on 12/19/2023
A Breath of Fresh Air With Sandy Kaye
Tuesdays 1pm EST
and Fridays 8pm EST
One of Phil Spector’s hand-picked early ’60’s girl group singers, Darlene Love sang some lead vocals for the Crystals, Bob B. Soxx and the Blue Jeans, and also had some hits under her own name.
The oldest of five children born in LA, Darlene’s father was a minister and ran a church in Texas. Darlene began singing at his church to the delight of the congregation. While attending high school in San Antonio, Darlene began joining glee clubs and a group called the Wailers that sang at school assemblies.
In 1956 the family moved back to Los Angeles. Shortly after her sixteenth birthday Darlene began singing in the church choir. It was during a choir practice that her voice caught the attention of the choir director. One day a girl that Darlene knew from church, asked her to sing at her wedding. What she didn’t know was that the wedding was also an audition: Delores’ bridal party included her friends Gloria Jones, Fanita Barrett, and Annette and Nanette Williams, who had a singing group called the Blossoms. They were looking to replace Annette who was pregnant.
Darlene was asked to sing with the Blossoms. Her parents at first refused to let her, but after meeting the Blossoms they relented. She started singing with The Blossoms in 1958. They recorded as a quartet and then a trio. They also did backup singing supporting Bobby “Boris” Pickett (“Monster Mash”), James Darren (“Goodbye Cruel World), Bobby Day (“Rockin’ Robin”) and many others.
Love was brought to Phil Spector’s attention when he was looking for a lead singer for “He’s a Rebel.” which was to be released under the Crystal’s name. When Darlene was asked if she knew about this she said “So What? The man just paid me triple scale.” She figured that it was a cute song, but it was probably going nowhere.
Love went on to record six Philles singles under her own name, including “Wait Til My Bobby Gets Home”,”(Today I Met) The Boy I’m Going To Marry”, ” and “A Fine Fine Bo”). She also appeared on Spector’s Christmas Album. Love continued to sing with the Blossoms through the 60s. They were regulars on Shindig and toured with Elvis Presley in the early 70s. Love sang back-up for Dionne Warwick for ten years beginning in 1971 and later backing Aretha Franklin.
In the ‘80s Darlene branched out into acting appearing in the Lethal Weapon films and appearing in the Tony nominated 1985 the Broadway musical Leader of the Pack based on the songs of Ellie Greenwich. She also recorded two solo albums.
In 1997 a jury awarded her in excess of $263,000 for back royalties from Phil Spector. She was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2011.
Today Darlene Love is back on the charts with a new version of her Christmas song thanks to her friend Cher.
This week she joins us to share the story of her incredible journey.
Sandy Kaye
[email protected]