Month: August 2021
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SATURDAY’S 8PM EST CRED #31 / 2021 ALL Playlist M1) Photon Glow Worm 7:48 M2) James Dower – I can’t tell you what it means 5:22 M3) Max Kaplan & The Magics – Mind On My Heart 3:21 M4) The New Mastersounds – A Brighter Day (w. Adryon De León) 3:05 […]
Music, #1977, #claasics, #classicrock, #pop, #rockBombshell Radio Today 8pam-10am EST This week on Bombshell Radio we Time Warp into 1977 part 1 .Two hours of selected tracks, This is Addictions and Other Vices 434- Time Warp 1977I hope you enjoy! #Rock #Classics #AddictionsPodcast #Timewarp #Pop #70s #Radio #BombshellRado #Disco Today’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio)ADDICTIONS AND […]
8pm EST Chris Atwood spins his unique blend of 80s alternative from 8-10 pm on Bombshell Radio. And, the fan favorite Friday Flashback 9 at 9 pm ET features the top nine songs climbing up/down the British Charts for this day in music history 1983.
Thursdays 5pm-6pm EST Repeats Fridays 5am EST Small Poppies Mixtape #12 Never making sense. Always sounding good. You can find us weekly playing out on Bombshell Radio #nowplaying #music #indie #bombshellradio #alternative #rock #electronic #collegeradio #radio #radioshow #internetradio #smallpoppiesmixtape Track Listing: Small Poppies Intro by Holly Rees Trap Life […]
Today’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) #TheHeartGoesBoom, #Dj, #AlexGreen , #Alternative , #PostPunk, #Rock, #IndieRock,#Radioshow, #Indie, #CollegeRock, #BombshellRadio The Heart Goes Boom THURSDAYS THE HEART GOES BOOM New show THGB 00218! with host 1lex Green The Heart Goes Boom on Bombshell Radio Thursdays 1pm-2pm EST 10am-11am PDT Repeats Fridays 12am EST and Sundays 1pm EST 0000218 […]
Thursdays 2pm-3pm EST 11pm-12pm PDT 7pm-8pm BST Stereo Embers Magazine #StereoEmbers, #podcast, #RadioShow, #AlexGreen, #Nowplaying, #BombshellRadio, #StereoEmbersThePodcast Repeats Fridays 1am EST and Sundays 11am EST “Heart Shaped Scars” The Scottish born Dot Allison made her initial splash in music fronting the indie dance band One Dove. They only put out one record—-1993’s Morning […]
Today Best of the Best : Deconstructing The Doors *5pm -6pm EST If you love Classic Rock, then you will certainly love Best of The Best. From the Beatles to the Clash, Marc Platt breaks down classic albums and groups every Mon-Wed 5pm EST, #RadioShow, #Classics, #BombshellRadio
Tuesdays 10:00pm -11:30 pm EST Wednesdays 8:00am – 10:00am EST Matt plays 20 of the best up-and-coming indie, alternative, and rock artists in the UK, some of which you know, but many more that will be new music discoveries. Matt’s deep knowledge of UK music scene and his ear for a banger make The […]
Rainbow Country Tuesdays 8pm-10pm EST A GAY radio show working to give voice to the LGBT Community. Tune in for #GayTalkRadioHost: Mark Tara RAINBOW COUNTRYA 2 HOUR Nationally Syndicated Gay radio show & #1 LGBT Podcast working to give voice to the LGBT Community & BEYOND! ON EPISODE 264:Award Winning QUEER Filmmaker Jenni Olson […]
Today Best of the Best : Elvis Costello This Years Model *5pm -6pm EST If you love Classic Rock, then you will certainly love Best of The Best. From the Beatles to the Clash, Marc Platt breaks down classic albums and groups every Mon-Wed 5pm EST, #RadioShow, #Classics, #BombshellRadio,