Month: November 2019
Page: 7
Monday’s 10am-11am EST #IceCreamManPowerPopAndMore #PowerPop #Mod #NorthernSoul #Punk #60sClassics #Ska #60sGarage #Surf #Itunes #BombshellRadio #recordcollector #musiclover #powerpopgrunge #powerpopgirls #newmusic #rocknroll The Brogues – I ain’t No Miracle Worker (Single) The Seven and Six – The Skeleton Surfer (Single) Travoltas – Waimea (Baja California LP) The Revillos – Motorbike Beat (Live From The Orient LP) […]
Today’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) Bombshell Radio Sundays Harry & Edna on the Wireless Sunday’s 10am-11am EST Wot ho, something a little bit different this week, we went for a steam train ride on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway #radio #radioshow #vintage #vintageradio #retro #retroradio #Internetstreaming #internetradio #harryandedna #harryandednaonthewireless #vintagelifestye #retrolifestyle #vintagesubculture #retrosubculture #culture #lifestyle […]
Wassup Rocker Radio 12am-1am EST 9am-10am PDT, #punk #alternative, garagerock, alternativerock, WassupRockerRadio, BombshellRadio Wassup Rocker Radio will be on Bombshell Radio every Sunday at 12am EST on right after the world famous Mikerogersshow 10pm-12am on Saturday Nights! On WRR we’ll be playing you a bunch of #NewMusic from #Punk to #GarageRock to #PowerPop and […]
Today The Menace’s Attic/Just Another Menace SundayBombshell Radio Today’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) 1pm-2pm EST 10am-11am PDT 6pm-7pm BST bombshellradio.comRepeats Friday 5pm ESTAnd Sundays 6pm EST#classics #pop #rock #classicrock #themenacesattic #BombshellRadio This Week – Episode #922(11/02/2019)“In A Non-Descript Building At 6000 Sunset Building (And One Almost Next Door) Were The Grooviest Recording Studios Of All Time! […]
Mike Rogers Show : bombshellradio.comSaturday’s 10pm -12am EST / Sundays 11am-1pm JST カナダ: #indierock #indie #music #rock #indiemusic #alternativerock #alternative #BombshellRadio #indiepop #punk #guitar #band #newmusic #punkrock #altrock #rocknroll #rockmusic #rockband #indieband #vinyl #postpunk #musician #pop #songwriter #shoegaze #poprock #rockandroll #TheMikeRogersShow Repeats Monday’s 3am-5am EST / Monday’s 4pm-6pm JST Jittery Jack with Amy Griffin on Guitar […]
Monday’s & Saturday’s 5pm-6pm EST Victoria Pearson Malcolm Galloway from Hats off Gentlemen it’s Adequate This week Victoria chats to Malcolm Galloway from Prog Rock band ‘Hats off Gentlemen it’s Adequate’ Malcolm talks about his music influences Prog Rock verses Punk playing the Tuba and ‘Ark’ a track about the Ark Royal from a […]
Wednesdays 2pm-4pm EST Today’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) Bombshell RadioJazzamatazz Double Header FRIDAYS 1pm-3pm EST 6pm-8pm BST 10am-12pm PDT Sundays 7pm-8pm EST Classic Rock favourites. Good old fashioned rock’n’roll, perfect for that long road trip & ideal for some quality car karaoke or air guitar :) Hope you enjoy! Rock On The Road 3 with tracks […]