Stereo Embers The Podcast: Steven Cristol
Written by BOMBSHELL RADIO on 08/23/2023
Thursdays 2pm-3pm EST 11pm-12pm PDT 7pm-8pm BST
Stereo Embers Magazine #StereoEmbers, #podcast, #RadioShow, #AlexGreen,
#Nowplaying, #BombshellRadio, #StereoEmbersThePodcast
Repeats Fridays 1am EST and Sundays 11am EST
“Paradise Blue”
The Seattle-based singer/songwriter Steven Cristol has had quite a career. Well, to be more specific, he’s had several careers, but today we’re going to talk about the musical one. We’ll let him tell you his story
but a little background is important before we get to the chat. The Georgia-born Cristol’s adventure with music and the music industry found him with incredible highs, like getting a phone call from Harry
Belafonte about recording one of his songs to some tough lows that he’ll explain, but here’s the thing about those lows–what made them so hard was that they came disguised as highs. In other words, it looked like smooth sailing, but then the ship capsized. The emotional whiplash an artist gets was detailed perfectly in our chat with actor Michael Charles Roman a few months back when he talked about booking a sitcom only to have his and everyone else’s part recast. Well, this is the music side of that story and it’s series of suckerpunches. But this chat is about more than that–it’s about self belief, self preservation, and never putting art on the backburner for good. I love the story you’re about to hear because it demonstrates the power of creativity and the beauty of art. Steven is a fabulous singer/songwriter whose compositions summon everyone from Jackson Browne to James Taylor. He wrote songs for Starship, Little River Band and Belafonte and for good reason–his precision and lyrical agility are effortless skills that should have made him millions and nearly did. Business strategy consultant, career coach, singer/songwriter and former Fortune 50 executive whose previous business books have been published in 11 languages. His latest book is an unorthodox guide to self-employment, written after more than three decades of successfully sustaining independent work. He also writes about solutions to environmental issues for leading media outlets focused on sustainable business practices.
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