Stereo Embers The Podcast: Kevin Martin (Candlebox)
Written by BOMBSHELL RADIO on 08/30/2023
Thursdays 2pm-3pm EST 11pm-12pm PDT 7pm-8pm BST
Stereo Embers Magazine #StereoEmbers, #podcast, #RadioShow, #AlexGreen,
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Repeats Fridays 1am EST and Sundays 11am EST
“The Long Goodbye”
With close to ten fabulous albums under their musical belts, Candlebox have had quite a career. The Seattle outfit has sold millions of records, played Letterman and Woodstock, toured the world with the likes of everyone from Rush, Metallica, Foo Fighters and Our Lady Peace, and over the years counted among their personnel folks from bands like Pearl Jam, Dig and Ugly Kid Joe. And not only that, but their new album The Long Goodbye, might very well be their best yet. A smoldering blast of catchy hard rock and grungy bliss, The Long Goodbye is an affecting song cycle that burns with smoldering intensity on songs like the defiant Punks and bids farewell with the moving Hourglass, which is one of the best album closers in recent memory. So if Candlebox has never sounded better, why are they calling it a day on their career? Well, Kevin will explain and his explanation is hard to argue with. As a fan, it’s a tough pill to swallow and in the back of your head you remember that they had breaks before–one was five years and one was a decade, so you think maybe this is a false alarm, but trust us: it’s not. So when you listen to this, forget you’re a fan and just be a person for a second. And if you can divide those two parts of yourself, you’ll see, Kevin’s decision to walk away is one that makes sense.
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