A Breath of Fresh Air Dec 10

Written by on 12/10/2024

A Breath of Fresh Air With Sandy Kaye
Tuesdays 1pm EST
and Fridays 8pm EST

Archival shows : bombshellradiopodcasts.com

Don Walker, celebrated as one of Australia’s finest songwriters, is the creative mastermind behind Cold Chisel and a defining figure in Australian rock. Born in Ayr, Queensland, in 1951, he grew up on a sugarcane farm, later earning a physics degree at the University of Queensland. Despite his academic path, music became his true passion. In 1973, he co-founded Cold Chisel, where his poignant, gritty lyrics defined the band’s identity. Iconic songs like Khe Sanh, Flame Trees, and Choirgirl captured the struggles and triumphs of working-class Australia, earning the band a legendary status.

After Cold Chisel disbanded in 1983, Don explored new creative avenues, forming the Catfish and releasing Unlimited Address in 1989. His solo albums, including We’re All Gunna Die and Hully Gully, highlighted his storytelling prowess, blending rock, blues, and jazz. Walker also published Shots, a memoir praised for its raw, lyrical prose. Cold Chisel reunited periodically, delivering new music and electrifying performances, with Don remaining the band’s cornerstone.

In addition to his solo career, Don collaborated with Australian music icons like Slim Dusty and Tex Perkins.

His unparalleled ability to capture the Australian experience in both music and words has cemented his legacy as a national treasure.

Sandy Kaye

Bombshell Radio

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