Strange Fruit Aug 18
Written by BOMBSHELL RADIO on 08/18/2024
Strange Fruit 10pm EST Archival Shows available on
Strange Fruit (10-midnight EST) presents its own mini-festival, dragging in five short sets and some stunning DJ selections, we’re leaving you to discover the acts but promising you cult sounds from all over the world, a genuine cult hero who doesn’t do festivals and a guaranteed Hell freezes over finale when our headliners taking the stage are playing their first gig in almost 38 years. Join us: #newmusic #independentradio #thesmiths
#newmusic #curvedair #progrock #independentradio
1. **The Slits** – *Earthbeat*
2. **Glass Beams** – *Orb*
3. **Glass Beams** – *Snake Oil*
4. **Glass Beams** – *Mahal*
5. **Ali Dada** – *Toneprint*
6. **Scientist** – *Missing You*
7. **Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers** – *The Morning of our Lives*
8. **Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers** – *Affection*
9. **Jonathan Richman** – *I Was Dancing in the Lesbian Bar*
10. **Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers** – *Hospital*
11. **Flaer** – *Sticks*
12. **Eva May** – *Where Does the Time Go?*
13. **Gwenifer Raymond** – *Strange Lights Over Garth Mountain*
14. **Gaya Su Akyol** – *Biz Ne Zaman Düşman Olduk*
15. **Gaya Su Akyol** – *Sen Benim MaÄŸaramsın*
16. **The Art of Noise** – *Moments in Love*
17. **Heli Hartikeinen** – *Excerpt on II and III*
18. **William Shatner** – *Bohemian Rhapsody*
19. **William Shatner** – *Common People*
20. **George Formby** – *Delivering the Morning Milk*
21. **The Smiths** – *The Queen is Dead*
22. **The Smiths** – *Nowhere Fast*
23. **The Smiths** – *Sheilah Take a Bow*
24. **The Smiths** – *How Soon is Now*
25. **The Smiths** – *Ask*
26. **The Smiths** – *Panic*
27. **David Crosby** – *I’d Swear there was Somebody Here*