Poptastic Sounds! Sept 24 2024
Written by BOMBSHELL RADIO on 09/24/2024
Tuesdays 11am EST bombshellradio.com
POPTASTIC SOUNDS! #28 – September 24 Broadcast Date
Join your host Nicky G as he curates the latest hook-filled episode from his “Walls Of Sound”, spinning new music from Artie & The Officials, Telejet, Vinyl Kings, The Reflectors, The DIFF, Colman Gota, Marco Rossi, Velvet Attack, Mother May I, The Chesterfield Kings, The Resonars and sparkle*jets u.k`.! Plus vintage tracks from Mick Medew and The Rumours, The Rubinoos, The Poets, The Fairytale, The Human Instinct, Garden Odyssey, Timebox, Warm Sounds, Midway Still, Don and the Goodtimes and Ruth!