The Essence of Cool S2 w/ Vicki Brittle
Written by BOMBSHELL RADIO on 12/18/2022
Sundays 2pm-4pm and Fridays 10am-12pm EST
On this episode, we catch up with one of the most interesting, smart, and gifted new artists in Canadian music, the uber-talented Vicki Brittle.
Apart from her engaging song-writing, distinctive voice, and massive Spotify numbers, Vicki is a fierce advocate for mental health. We talk about her skyrocketing career, her record deal with Coalition Music, and her collaborations with country star Kelly Prescott, Magic!’s Alex Tannas, and song-writing superstar Haley Gene Penner. As well, we’ll chat about her ‘cool’ pick, the legendary Paul Simon.
Socials and Websites
FB: @vickibrittle
IG: @vickibrittlemusic
Find her music at:
Bernard Frazer is a Canadian songwriter/musician whose synth pop band Church of Trees has topped independent charts around the world. He is also a former television producer/writer of such shows as Real Life with Erica Ehm (Life Network), The Dini Petty Show (CTV), Miracle at Niagara, and New Year’s Eve Niagara Falls
In Season 2, we’ve scheduled episodes with the great Phil Thornalley (The Cure, Duran Duran, etc), Kevin Hearn (Lou Reed, Barenaked Ladies), Men without Hats’ Ivan Doroschuk, legendary rocker June Millington (Fanny, Earl Slick, Bonnie Raitt), the great Jay Semko of 5-time Juno nominated Northern Pikes, indie star Vicki Brittle, and more.
We’ve also scheduled a series of episodes discussing the life and musical impact of Canadian producer, and songwriter, Tim Thorney (Alanis Morrisette, Cassandra Vasik, etc). For this very special series, we’ll be joined by former Much Music VJ Erica Ehm, Juno award-winner Hill Kourkoutis, ‘drummer to the stars’ Randy Cooke, Tim’s brother Tom, and Tim’s longtime engineer and friend, Adam Fair.
Stay Tuned!