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Thursday’s 2pm-3pm EST 11pm-12pm PDT 7pm-8pm BST bombshellradio.com stereoembersmagazine.comStereo Embers Magazine #StereoEmbers, #podcast, #RadioShow, #AlexGreen, #NewMusic ,#Nowplaying, #BombshellRadio #EllenStarski “They Knew I Wasn’t Go To Be An Anthropologist” Ellen Starski’s major in college was Anthropology, but midway through her studies it became very clear to her parents that she wasn’t going to bean anthropologist. She was […]

Thursday’s 2pm-3pm EST 11pm-12pm PDT 7pm-8pm BST bombshellradio.com stereoembersmagazine.com Stereo Embers Magazine #StereoEmbers, #podcast, #RadioShow, #AlexGreen, #NewMusic ,#Nowplaying, #BombshellRadio,, #AlanDoyle, #GreatBigSea “Reverb As Long As A Hockey Rink” That’s how Alan Doyle describes the music he loved so much in the ‘80s.A huge fan of Def Leppard, the Newfoundland-born Doyle may have been a metalhead […]

Thursday’s 2pm-3pm EST 11pm-12pm PDT 7pm-8pm BST bombshellradio.com stereoembersmagazine.comStereo Embers Magazine #StereoEmbers, #podcast, #RadioShow, #AlexGreen, #NewMusic ,#Nowplaying, #BombshellRadio, #Eliza&TheDelusionals “I’ve Known You For Ten Minutes And I’m Already Asking You If You’re An Introvert”Well, these things happen. In this conversation with Eliza Klatt, lead singer ofAustralia’s Eliza and the Delusionals, it doesn’t take long for Alex […]

Thursday’s 2pm-3pm EST 11pm-12pm PDT 7pm-8pm BST bombshellradio.com stereoembersmagazine.com Stereo Embers Magazine #StereoEmbers, #podcast, #RadioShow, #AlexGreen, #NewMusic ,#Nowplaying, #BombshellRadio, #GaryDouglasBand “It Was Definitely Not Like Riding A Bicycle” That’s how Gary Douglas describes what it was like to get back onstage after not playing live for many years.Well, to cut him some slack, he’s been busy. Like, […]

Thursday’s 2pm-3pm EST 11pm-12pm PDT 7pm-8pm BST bombshellradio.com stereoembersmagazine.comStereo Embers Magazine #StereoEmbers, #podcast, #RadioShow, #AlexGreen, #NewMusic ,#Nowplaying, #BombshellRadio, #KCClifford “Oh My God, This Is Over” That’s the exact thought KC Clifford had one night a few years ago as she put her kids to bed.She was referring to her career as a singer/songwriter, which had taken a […]

Thursday’s 2pm-3pm EST 11pm-12pm PDT 7pm-8pm BST bombshellradio.com stereoembersmagazine.com Stereo Embers Magazine #StereoEmbers, #podcast, #RadioShow, #AlexGreen, #NewMusic ,#Nowplaying, #BombshellRadio, #WinterHours “I Throw More Things In The Garbage Than I Should” That’s what Bob Perry says about the songwriting process when it comes to lyrics, but the singer/songwriter is being far too hard on himself. The […]

Thursday’s 2pm-3pm EST 11pm-12pm PDT 7pm-8pm BST bombshellradio.com stereoembersmagazine.comStereo Embers Magazine #StereoEmbers, #podcast, #RadioShow, #AlexGreen, #NewMusic ,#Nowplaying, #BombshellRadio, #LoveTractor “This Actually IS An Outerspace Ship” A friend of mine asked me the other day to describe the music of Love Tractor and I tried (I said something like, “Brian Wilson singing for Can on Mars…”), but […]

Thursday’s 2pm-3pm EST 11pm-12pm PDT 7pm-8pm BST bombshellradio.com stereoembersmagazine.com Stereo Embers Magazine #StereoEmbers, #podcast, #RadioShow, #AlexGreen, #NewMusic ,#Nowplaying, #BombshellRadio, #RoseCousins “You Deserve A Bath” That sentiment may be comprised of just four words, but in life so many of us forget to recognize that in the constraints of our daily existences some self-care–like the simple pleasure of […]

Thursday’s 2pm-3pm EST 11pm-12pm PDT 7pm-8pm BST bombshellradio.com stereoembersmagazine.com Stereo Embers Magazine #StereoEmbers, #podcast, #RadioShow, #AlexGreen, #NewMusic ,#Nowplaying, #BombshellRadio, #JoshKelley “Shooting Free Throws And Playing Guitar” You may not realize it, but there’s an intersection between playing sports and playing music. In fact, there’s really no difference between playing guitar and shooting free throws–both take time, discipline, commitment […]

Thursday’s 2pm-3pm EST 11pm-12pm PDT 7pm-8pm BST bombshellradio.com stereoembersmagazine.com  Stereo Embers Magazine #StereoEmbers, #podcast, #RadioShow, #AlexGreen, #NewMusic ,#Nowplaying, #BombshellRadio, #Theory “The Theory Behind Our Last Episode Of The Decade “Okay, there’s no conspiracy theory behind the fact that this our last episode of the decade. We meant that above sentence literally–like, SUPER literally. The decade is coming […]

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