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Bombshell Radio Today’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) #TheHeartGoesBoom, #Dj, #AlexGreen , #Alternative , #PostPunk, #Rock, #IndieRock, #Radioshow, , #Indie, #CollegeRock, #2Cupcakes, #BombshellRadio , The Heart Goes Boom THURSDAYS THE HEART GOES BOOM New show THGB 00115! with host Alex Green The Heart Goes Boom on Bombshell Radio Thursdays 1pm-2pm EST 10am-11am PDT THGB 000115 Modern […]
Thursdays 8:00am-10am EST #indie, #downtempo, #triphop, #electronic, #darkjazz Playing tracks by: Massive Attack, Björk, Portishead, Goldfrapp, Neneh Cherry and more. The Trip Hop is the last of great musical styles of the last century, originally from Bristol (UK). Where electronics and hip hop mix to the point that neither genre is recognizable, it also contains elements of ambient, R & […]
Bombshell Radio: Thursday 8-10PM EST #downtempo, #indie, #electronic We’ve been away but now we are back and we found a #ManWithGlasses aka Ian John Beattie The finale of #SpaceJams Season 3 is a big offering of everything! We were very keen to follow our origin roots and be as varied as humanly possible…It’s what we […]
Wednesdays 2pm-4pm EST Today’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) Bombshell Radio Jazzamatazz Double Header FRIDAYS 1pm-3pm EST 6pm-8pm BST 10am-12pm PDT Weekenders of music, fun, camping, booze, mud, moshing, porta loos & welly boots. Music festivals are magical. Happy times but most of its a daze! Volume 22. Alternative, #Rock, #Indie, #Pop, #Classics, #AlternativeRock, #IndieRock 1 […]
Today’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio)Bombshell Radio THURSDAY’S Radio Regular Time Slot: Thursdays 3pm – 4pm EST repeats Fridays 3am-4am EST #RadioHootenanny #Radioshow #DJSkip #Alternative #Indie #Rock #Indie #Rock, #Canadian, #CollegeRock, #BombshellRadio *denotes Canadian radio hootenanny theme – djskip meets king kong girio* shock thereminpy – let there be theremin* plan b – slamboni* know […]
Today 1:00-2:00 pm EST 10am-1pm PDT 6pm-7pm BST Bombshell Radio Today’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) #TheHeartGoesBoom, #Dj, #AlexGreen , #Alternative , #PostPunk, #Rock, #IndieRock, #Radioshow, , #Indie, #CollegeRock, #2Cupcakes, #BombshellRadio The Heart Goes Boom THURSDAYS THE HEART GOES BOOM New show THGB 109! with host Alex Green The Heart Goes Boom on Bombshell Radio Thursdays […]
Bombshell Radio Jazzamatazz Double Header Wednesdays 2pm-4pm EST 8pm -10pm BST 11am-1pm PDT Today’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio) Weekenders of music, fun, camping, booze, mud, moshing, porta loos & welly boots. Music festivals are magical. Happy times but most of its a daze! #Alternative, #Rock ,#Indie, #Pop ,#Classics, #AlternativeRock, #IndieRock 1 Fight Test The Flaming […]