Stereo Embers The Podcast w/ Louise Goffin
Written by BOMBSHELL RADIO on 11/07/2022
Today 6pm-7pm EST 3pm-4pm PDT 11pm-12am BST
Alex Green #Interview w/ Louise Goffin
#LouiseGoffin #StereoEmbers #podcast #RadioShow #AlexGreen #Alternative #NewMusic #Nowplaying #BombshellRadio
“Louise Goffin Makes A Lot Of Cooking Analogies”
Louise Goffin has spent virtually her entire life in the music business. She got her start
singing on her mom’s albums in the early 70s and from there she launched her own
solo career. Not only that, but she’s proven to be a powerhouse of a session musician,
playing banjo with Bryan Ferry and touring as the guitarist for Tears For Fears. When Goffin
sat down with Alex Green the conversation quickly shifted into a studied and expansive craft talk
about the nuances of songwriting. To illustrate her points, Goffin used several cooking analogies—see
if you can catch them all!00
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