Just Another Menace Sunday #769 w/ The Killers & Matthew Sweet
Written by BOMBSHELL RADIO on 11/28/2018
3pm (PT) 6 pm (ET) Bombshell Radio, Toronto gets a request fulfilled on “Just Another Menace Sunday” radio thing. Dennis “The Menace” shares two “re-mastered” conversations and Musical Sandwiches with: The Killers (from 2004 at the former Scheyer/SF 1015 Battery Street studios!) and Matthew Sweet (from 2008 – we go deep on this one!) www.bombshellradio.com to listen
Today The Menace’s Attic/Just Another Menace Sunday #interview w/ The Killers & Matthew Sweet
6PM-8PM EST Bombshell Radio bombshellradio.com Today’s Bombshell (Bombshell Radio)
Repeats Sunday 6am-8am EST #BombshellRadio #melodicrock #radioshow #rock #alternative #justanothermenacesunday #dj #DennistheMenace #Synthpop #radioreplay #today #TheKillers #MatthewSweet