From Memphis to Merseyside #6
Written by BOMBSHELL RADIO on 11/23/2022
Thursdays 8pm EST
From Memphis to Merseyside Ep. 6 “The World Mourns JFK”
November 22, 1963 was a day that shattered the innocence of a generation of people, and brought the world to a standstill. While visiting Dallas, Texas, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was gunned down while his motorcade wound through Dealey Plaza. Everyone remembers where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news.
In a sense, President Kennedy’s assassination was a foreshadowing of the turbulence that was to come throughout the rest of the decade as our society underwent a radical transformation.
On this episode of ‘From Memphis to Merseyside’ we look at the cultural impact of this event through a playlist that is directly inspired by that tragic day, and the hope that was provided by the triumphant arrival of four young men from Liverpool who took America by storm.