From Memphis to Merseyside #10
Written by BOMBSHELL RADIO on 12/22/2022
Thursdays 8pm EST
From Memphis to Merseyside Ep 10 Holiday Special
You don’t have to be a religious person to appreciate Christmas and holiday music. On ‘From Memphis to Merseyside’ we like to focus on the 26 year period from 1954 to 1980 and use that as the jumping-off point for each episode. During this time period some great Christmas and holiday songs have been written and performed, and we’ve got a bunch of those on our playlist today. However, we sometimes wander outside the lines, so this episode features a few selections written before and after these dates. Many of the songs on this list are personal favourites of ours, and just for good measure we’ve added a few novelty tunes to lift your spirits this holiday. Sit back, relax, and enjoy this special holiday version of ‘From Memphis to Merseyside’. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us to all of you!