Addictions and Other Vices 146 – Pisces
Written by BOMBSHELL RADIO on 03/15/2022
Today 3pm EST
Bombshell Radio Throwback show
Addictions 146 Pisces Addictions and Other Vices Podcast 146 – Pisces On this podcast a salute to all the people born a Pisces and to people who just like a good sea shanty. Hope You Enjoy Does This Sound Like You? The last sign of the Zodiac, the Pisces symbol has been said to be a representation of the difficulty in extracting the good from that which appears bad.[59] The moral of the symbol for Pisces is said to be that “the severe season has passed; though your flocks, as yet, do not yield their store, the ocean and rivers are open to you, their inhabitants are placed within your power.”[c][11][12][13] It is generally considered a feminine sign,[60][61][62] and colors that have been used to represent the Pisces sign are gray[3] or blue gray.[63] The body parts associated with Pisces are the feet,[50][52][64][65] or the toes.[66][67] Likewise, astrologists also associate various diseases of the body with the zodiac, and Pisces’ diseases are those of the feet.[68][43] This includes gout,[69] lameness, distempers, and sores.[68] Excess of eating and drinking, as well as poisoning related to the consumption of fish and medicines are also shown in Pisces.[69] Pisces is classified as a short ascension sign;[70] one which takes a shorter amount of time to ascend over the horizon than the other signs.[71] It is also one of the six southern signs,[54] because it is south of the celestial equator when the sun is in it. This results in it being seen in the winter sky in the northern hemisphere.[72] Pisces is also considered a bicorporeal or double-bodied sign,[54] as the astrological sign is composed of two fishes.[73] §Personality[edit] Part of the Anatomical Man by Limbourg brothers. Western astrologers assert that Pisceans are perceptive, emotional,[45][74] and receptive.[75][75] Notorious for being highly sensitive.
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