Addictions and Other Vices 131 – Aquarius
Written by BOMBSHELL RADIO on 03/15/2022
Today 2pm EST
Bombshell Radio Throwback show
Episode 131 is dedicated to all of you people born under the Aquarius sign.
Addictions and Other Vices Podcast Episode 131 – Aquarius
Individuals born under the sign of Aquarius are often quirky and unconventional. Sometimes their eccentricities are obvious — they may have an unusual sense of humor, or have interests that others do not. Other times, Aquarians will have very small, quirky and sometimes amusing eccentricities which only become apparent as one gets to know them.
Aquarius is a very free-spirited, unpredictable sign, and those born with this sun-sign are often given to a wide range of emotions, and to indecision. Aquarians will often change their mind about certain things, as the mood suits them. While typically intellectual, charming and well behaved, Aquarians will sometimes change their mind regarding important issues, or act in a very self interested way. For the most part, Aquarians are concerned with the “greater good” and express humanitarian interests.
Addictions and Other Vices*