A Breath of Fresh Air July 12
Written by BOMBSHELL RADIO on 07/12/2022
A Breath of Fresh Air With Sandy Kaye
Tuesdays 1pm EST
and Fridays 8pm EST
If you, like me, have been into music for some time, the name RICHIE FURAY should be very familiar to you. He was a founding member of Buffalo Springfield with Neil Young and Stephen Stills and then formed Poco with Jim Messina. Today, Richie Furay runs solo and has just released a terrific new album of his favourite tunes, called ‘In the Country’. He joins me this week to chat about the album and the highs and lows in his life to date.
BARRY BLUE started out as a singer in the UK but quickly turned his talents to writing. He found success with several big name acts like Diana Ross, Andrea Bocelli and Celine Dion and even scored hits in the 80’s when he got into the disco craze. Meeting Barry this week was a real treat and I learnt so much about him. Who knew his real name had been Barry Green? Find out why he changed it by tuning in.
A regular feature of our show is the requests we get from you and this week’s no exception. I was asked to check in with with Australia’s soft-rock duo, AIR SUPPLY to see what the guys are up to these days. So, I hunted around and found GRAHAM RUSSELL in the mid-west of the USA where he spends a great deal of time when he’s not playing – gardening! We talked about the hits and touring and his enduring passion for both music and the land. Amazing what you find out really. Definitely worth a listen.
Don’t forget, if you’d like to hear from one of your favourite artists from the 60s, 70s or 80s – just ask me to find them for you. Send me a message sandy@abreathoffreshair.com.au